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Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain by Maison EMBRIN

Rideau en lin lavé

The "Ficelle Washed Linen Curtain" from Maison EMBRIN is a beautifully crafted piece that brings natural elegance to your home. Made from 100% washed linen, this curtain showcases the soft, natural hue of the fabric, which effortlessly complements both light and colorful furniture. Designed to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, it pairs beautifully with soft shades like chalk white for a serene and calming effect. With a fabric weight of 310g/m², the curtain is not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and easy to maintain. Featuring eyelets with a 40mm inner diameter, it is available with a choice of color for the eyelets (matte black shown in the photos). Proudly made in France from flax grown in Normandy, this curtain adds both luxury and simplicity to any room.

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